Everything I did while working at

First Orion

As a

iOS Engineer


Job Achievements

Led Firebase Swift Package Development

Cut SDK integration time by 30% and enhanced modularity across projects.

Collaborated on Code Reviews

Ensured adherence to best practices through rigorous code reviews, maintaining clean and maintainable code.

Developed Internal UI Framework

Created a SwiftUI framework enforcing coding standards and MVVM best practices, resulting in uniform and testable UIs.

Implemented Swift Concurrency Best Practices

Achieved a 25% reduction in app code and optimized functionality.

Optimized UITests Execution

Reduced test execution time by 25% by refactoring UITests with OOP and POP principles.

Increased Test Coverage

Boosted test coverage from 50% to 80%, reducing regression bugs by 20%.

Refactored Application Architectures

Transitioned from MVC to MVVM and replaced UIKit with SwiftUI and Structured Concurrency.

Enhanced EngageCalling SDK

Added Async/Await APIs and SPM support, distributing XCFramework binaries via JFrog Artifactory.

Standardized Documentation

Improved accessibility and compliance with best practices by standardizing documentation processes.

Automated Test Reporting

Improved software reliability by developing a TestReporter Swift Package for UI and Unit Tests.

Led Firebase Swift Package Development

Cut SDK integration time by 30% and enhanced modularity across projects.

Reduced Codebase Size

Decreased codebase by 40% through UITest refactoring with POM architecture and XCTestActivities.

Facilitated Knowledge Transfer

Presented new frameworks at company Round Tables, aligning development practices across teams.

Created Mock Server for Testing

Developed a Java-based mock server for unit testing in the absence of backend endpoints.

Optimized EngageCalling App Performance

Improved launch time by 20% using Xcode Instruments optimizations.

Delivered MVP iOS Applications

Built SwiftUI, MVVM, and Clean Architecture apps within 12 weeks with cross-functional teams.

Developed Internal SPM Projects

Planned architecture and API for internal SPM projects, improving project velocity.

Standardized Documentation

Improved accessibility and compliance with best practices by standardizing documentation processes.

Streamlined CI/CD Pipelines

Wrote Python and BASH scripts to reduce QA time by 30%.

Revolutionized UI Testing

Defined an organization-wide architecture pattern with XCTActivities, enhancing test suite stability by 40%.

Managed Release Cycles

Handled releases for consumer, client, and internal SDKs/applications, ensuring timely deployments for EngageSDK.

Automated Test Reporting

Improved software reliability by developing a TestReporter Swift Package for UI and Unit Tests.

Led Firebase Swift Package Development

Cut SDK integration time by 30% and enhanced modularity across projects.

Coworker Testimonials

Coleton is very self driven and his tenacity with programming is beyond impressive. I’ve watched him go from a self taught programmer to a full-fledge professional iOS developer in a short amount of time.

Jeremy Gifford
First Orion

I had the pleasure of working with Coleton for a little over two years, starting in our apprenticeship. He was a great coworker, always looking for what needs to be done, figuring out ways to be more efficient.

Tanner Edwards
Experienced iOS Engineer
First Orion

I have enjoyed working with Coleton over the last two and a half years. I found him to be hard-working, bright, and a skilled communicator. Not only was Coleton successful in his iOS engineering role at First Orion but he was also able to publish his own application to the app store.

Garrett Wilkerson
Software Engineer
First Orion

Coleton is one of the most self driven individuals I’ve seen. We brought Coleton on as a Mobile Engineer through our Apprentice program and watched as he quickly excelled over the last couple years.

Kurtis Denton
Talent Acquisition Leader
First Orion

I have had the honor of working with Coleton for two and a half years. He is a self-starting, driven individual with an inquisitive mind. His communication skills are top-notch; he asks both important and hard questions to ensure that everyone is on board with an efficient solution.

Jet Doan
iOS Engineer
First Orion

I had the pleasure to meet Coleton before we started working at First Orion together. Coleton had reached out to me on LinkedIn a year before he got hired at First Orion. He’s a fast learner, committed, and talented software engineer and I strongly believe that he’ll excel in any role.

Mustafa Tunc
Software Engineer
First Orion

I had the pleasure of working with/leading Coleton for an action-packed 2.5 years at First Orion. Coleton came into our iOS developer apprenticeship program swinging. His passion for learning and improving was apparent on day one. Over the course of the next year and a half, Coleton matured into a well rounded, highly skilled iOS developer. For those who are looking to hire an iOS developer - if Coleton is in the market, don’t skip on this opportunity.

Wes Moore
Sr iOS Developer - Team Leader
First Orion

As a former team lead in Engineering, when hiring for a role, I always looked for the perfect balance between technical skills and personality traits. I would characterize Coleton as the perfect candidate to meet the requirements of a skilled engineer and one of the best work ethics I have seen in an employee.

Mario Racancoj Benítez
Software Engineer
First Orion

I highly recommend Coleton for any ISO engineering role. He has demonstrated exceptional technical skills and rapid adaptability to new technologies. One of his significant accomplishments includes spearheading the implementation of a Firebase library that simplifies the interactions between Firebase’s core feature sets, such as RemoteConfig, CrashLytics, Analytics, and Logging. His ability to implement substantial technical enhancements and dedication to his craft make him an excellent fit.

Nick Reichard
Senior iOS Engineer - Team Leader
First Orion

I had the pleasure to work with Coleton at First Orion. He was able to succeed at any problem that was given to him. He shows excellent communication skills, and I am fairly certain that leadership will be in his future if he so chooses. Coleton has shown his passion not only by his effort on the job, but also, by his effort to hone his craft outside of work. I would recommend Coleton for any type of software engineering position.

Luke Coleman
VP of Software Engineering
First Orion

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