A closer look at


A simple SwiftUI + The Composable Architecture (TCA) Application that is fully tested, makes network requests, and has persistence and state management.

Project Overview

Composable Architecture (TCA)

Built on a modular and scalable foundation using The Composable Architecture (TCA), allowing for a clean, maintainable codebase. This structure makes it easy to add new features and scale the app, ensuring that it remains fast and efficient as it grows. TCA allows for a high degree of flexibility and reusability across the app, enhancing both development speed and long-term maintainability.

Efficient State Management

Efficiently handle state transitions with observable states and actions. Each feature maintains its own state independently, allowing for streamlined updates and transitions without affecting other parts of the app. The state is automatically kept in sync across the app, ensuring a smooth user experience without performance issues.

Comprehensive Unit Testing

We take testing seriously, and our app is built with robust unit test coverage for all key features and actions. This ensures that the app is reliable, that bugs are minimized, and that you can trust each interaction you make. From loading yoga categories to managing favorite poses, our testing framework ensures that every feature functions as intended across all scenarios.

Project Structure


State: Manages the loading and display of yoga categories, ensuring seamless browsing for users.

Action: Triggers actions related to category loading and response handling.

Reducer: Controls state transitions to reflect current status, such as loading or successfully displaying categories.

Tests: Comprehensive unit tests ensure the accurate loading, display, and error handling of yoga categories.


State: Handles favorite yoga poses with full persistence, allowing users to manage their favorite poses across sessions.

Action: Defines all actions related to adding, removing, and loading favorite poses.

Reducer: Manages pose favoriting functionality and ensures state persistence across app restarts.

Tests: Guarantees the smooth operation of adding/removing favorite poses, with robust unit tests to confirm correct state management.


State: Combines the states of multiple features into one cohesive app state, ensuring smooth interaction between different parts of the app.

Action: Delegates user actions to the correct feature for handling, making the app feel responsive and unified.

Reducer: Routes actions to their respective feature reducers, ensuring efficient and accurate updates across the app.

Tests: Verifies that actions are correctly delegated and handled across the app, ensuring smooth feature integration.

Project Technicals

Skills & Technology

The Composable Architecture (TCA)
Dependency Injection



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